Watch me teach!
I co-led a math methods crash course for incoming physics graduate students at UC Davis.
For this project, I recorded several videos on various topics which incoming students will see in their first year coursework which might not have been extensively covered in their undergraduate programs. I also edited and created thumbnails for every video on the channel, choosing to include on-screen captions in every video. I made this decision following universal design for learning (UDL) principles in order to engage students' senses for enhanced attention and interest, to reduce barriers encountered by English language learners and those who are hearing impaired, and to generally improve clarity around interpreting unfamiliar terms such as "Levi-Civita."
These videos serve as a resource which students can refer back to throughout their first year, as well as a basis for some in-person problem solving sessions which occurred before their first quarter began. I joined this program as a co-leader in 2023 on a volunteer basis, and due to it's success the physics department at UC Davis decided to financially support us in running this program in 2024. This program saw the attendance of ~33% of the incoming graduate class in both 2023 and 2024.

Fourier Transforms
This playlist covers Fourier transforms, building them up through the lens of the previous linear algebra topic. The first 3 videos are taught by my co-leader Ben, and I finished off the topic with the final 3 videos.
Complex Analysis
I have never taken a complex analysis course, but many tools from complex analysis greatly simplify some integrals encountered during the first two years of physics graduate school. Therefore, I taught myself the relevant tools, and added this topic to the math methods course. The playlist can be found here.